The ADP is a program operated by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care that provides support and funding to Ontario residents who have long-term physical disabilities. The ADP contributes to covering the costs of items such as manual and power wheelchairs, rollators and walkers, scooters, and specialized seating. The Central Equipment Pool (CEP) for High Technology Wheelchairs, managed and operated by Motion on behalf of the ADP, provides ADP clients throughout Ontario with high quality new and refurbished power wheelchairs with power positioning. Visit the ADP website, call 1 (800) 268-6021 or email Central Equipment Pool The Central Equipment Pool for High Technology Wheelchairs (CEP) provides Assistive Devices Program (ADP) clients throughout Ontario with high quality new and recycled power wheelchairs and power tilt/recline units. All eligible individuals who apply for ADP funding assistance for a power wheelchair that includes power dynamic tilt and/or recline must obtain their equipment from the CEP. Requests for the addition of power dynamic tilt and/or recline to an existing power wheelchair must also go through CEP. Motion manages and operates the CEP on behalf of the ADP. For questions and to request service on your Central Equipment Pool (CEP) device, please contact the Motion location nearest you. Please visit the Government of Ontario’s Mobility Aids information page for more details This material is intended for informational purposes only. Please consult a Motion expert for personalized recommendations regarding your equipment needs. Get to know the writer Motion, Make life accessible Motion is Canada’s leading provider of mobility & home accessibility solutions for a wide variety of clients from children to elderly adults. Products include wheelchairs, walkers, scooters, stairlifts, ceiling lifts, & beds.
View Motion, Make life accessible Check-up routines for your powered mobility device We have organized a step-by-step check-up routine for your power wheelchair or mobility scooter to ensure it continues to operate as smoothly as possible. Learn more View Motion, Make life accessible Manual and power wheelchairs – what is the difference? We’ve put together a brief list of key considerations to see if a mobility scooter is an option to meet your accessibility needs. Learn more View Motion, Make life accessible Motion Kids: We are here to grow with you Kids grow and change daily, and our teams are here to help with their ongoing equipment needs. Learn more Previous Next