A message from our CEO: Honouring our clients & celebrating care

About Motion - 6 Min Read

A message from our CEO: Honouring our clients & celebrating care

December marks International Day of Persons with Disabilities (December 3) and Motion’s 5 Days of Caring (December 5-9) – a chance for Motion employees to come together to honour our clients and celebrate the integral part we play in the circle of care of so many Canadians. Motion’s CEO, Sue Gilpin, shares the importance of these events and our role in providing exceptional care as part of our commitment to make life accessible for everyone.

Beginning in 2021, we recognized a unique opportunity to give thanks to our employees through our 5 days of Caring event while also honouring our clients as part of International Day of Persons with Disabilities – held on December 3rd annually. While Motion employees demonstrate care, compassion, and empathy every day throughout the year, we may take for granted all that we do for our clients and the people who love and care for them – as it’s in our nature. This celebration allows us to pause and recognize with intention the truly wonderful clients we get the opportunity to work with and the amazing work we’re able to be a part of – work that has a major impact on so many lives.

As we make clear on our website – when our clients choose to work with Motion, it’s not a place, it’s a partnership. As said by Jim Rohn, “one person caring about another represents life’s greatest value.” And this statement is reflected by both our employees and our clients. I see this mutual care and respect in every one of my visits to our locations, in the reviews and comments that we receive online, and through the stories shared with me by our team members. Our commitment to caring is at the core of everything we do, and it shows.

Motion’s commitment also extends to the importance of making accessibility a part of everyday conversations, partnering with like-minded organizations that are making a difference, and offering a space for our clients to share their lived experiences. Established in March 2022, Motion’s Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA) Committee is focused on ongoing learning, listening, and reflection across all these areas. With understanding and advocacy in the accessibility space being intrinsically linked to our vision to make life accessible for everyone, this group of passionate employees is working together to contribute to positive advancements based on direct experiences that make a difference in our clients’ lives, including many of our own loved ones.   

Positive advancements in the accessibility space would not be possible without organizations like Easter Seals Ontario, for which Motion is proud to support. Throughout 2022, Easter Seals Ontario advocated on behalf of children and youth who require mobility devices and their families for the expansion of the provincial government’s list of eligible essential accessibility equipment – devices such as commodes, bath lifts, shower chairs, homecare beds, lifting equipment, change tables, and alternative seating – and the expansion of funding for devices such as pediatric standers, strollers, standing wheelchairs, and seat elevation devices. For young people who require mobility devices, these devices are not nice-to-haves, they are essential to their everyday activities and care routines.

In 2022, Motion also introduced our first-ever Client Ambassador, Beau Hayward – learn more about Beau’s story. And as we look forward to 2023, we are excited to introduce you to so many more of the great people we get to work alongside, including Brianna Seewald. Brianna is a nurse, car accident survivor, and wheelchair user who has used the power of social media to share her life and recovery story – and we look forward to bringing more of her experiences to you in the coming months.

Join us in honouring our clients this International Day of Persons with Disabilities on December 3. And to learn more about how you can join our diverse team of caring individuals, visit our Careers page.

This material does not constitute medical advice. It is intended for informational purposes only. Please consult a physician for specific treatment recommendations.