Piper Comfort Stroller

Piper Comfort Stroller

The Piper Comfort from Synetik is a state-of-the-art comfort rehab-buggy. This buggy or stroller is for short-stay use by children with mobility needs.

The Piper Comfort’s fully foldable undercarriage is produced from lightweight aluminum. It is equipped with a seat base that features an adjustable calf rest, a reclining backrest, solid wheels, a big detachable and adjustable footrest, and a 5-point harness with shoulder pads.

The variability of the buggy and the ability to attach a wide range of accessories makes the buggy great for a wide range of activities.

A side view of a blue Piper Comfort Stroller.


  • Extended backrest height with recline
  • Height adjustable and detachable footrest
  • Adjustable seat width
  • 5-point harness with crotch belt and shoulder padding
  • 175/225 mm solid wheels, front with swivel lock
  • Detachable wheels and forks
  • One-piece foldable handle
  • Basket with transportation lock
  • Variety of frame colours and cover patterns (subject to availability)
Two Piper Comfort Strollers (blue and green) with growing functions descriptions.

Fit is everything

The way a product feels, fits, and moves is at the heart of how well it will suit you, and your daily life.

That’s why we offer clients the opportunity to visit our locations and get a true sense of any given product. Motion isn’t a place. It’s a partnership, and a promise: we work with you to turn our products into possibilities.

Product Specifications
Backrest height [mm] 680
Seat depth [mm] 290
Seat width [mm] 350
Seat to footrest [mm] 250-375
Backrest angle 90° - 135°
Seat angle 26°
Total length [mm] 1080
Total width [mm] 590
Total height/with handle [mm] 1000
Brake foot oper.
Weight 14.5 kg
Maximum load 50 kg
Manufacturer Details
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