Meredith’s story

Article - 7 Min Read

Meredith’s story

Motion’s goal is to always provide an exceptional client experience. We’re on a mission to deliver solutions that make a difference in people’s lives, while at the same time fostering relationships that last. This mission is obvious through the many positive client testimonials that we receive and the client stories that are shared with us. This is one of those stories.

“My name is Julie and I am the mother to Meredith who is our beautiful 20-year-old daughter. Meredith was diagnosed with severe cerebral palsy just days after her birth in 2003 when an MRI determined she had suffered a profound brain injury due to a lack of oxygen at birth. All this to say that her care has been astounding and we rely on a whole lot of folks to help us along our way.”

Meredith in her first stander (2005)

“As you can imagine, Meredith has required lots of therapies and equipment to give her a better quality of life. One of these items is a standing frame which she started using as a little wee thing (see photo above). She hated it for good reason. Standers of yesteryear were more like mini torture chambers.

Fast forward to 2020 and we were in desperate need of an upgrade as Meredith had a rare but remarkable growth spurt and her stander at that time was no longer comfortable or workable. We had an opportunity to try the Leckey Horizon Stander in July 2021 and although it was expensive, it was THE one that we knew could make a world of difference. Well, it quickly became a nightmare with [the COVID-19 pandemic] and then after [the pandemic] settled down we felt ghosted by the vendor who was to help us. It was one thing after another and before we knew it 3 years had passed. Meredith had transitioned to the adult world and there was no longer funding available. 

And that’s where this story takes a turn. Our OT worked tirelessly and after I called Motion in desperation, Harrison was put on task to come out and assess the situation.”

Harrison working on Meredith’s new stander.

“What can I say? 

After so much disappointment and dead ends, Harrison arrived with enthusiasm, genuine concern, kindness, positivity and tremendous insight, skill, and experience. After spending a good amount of time measuring, considering, troubleshooting, brainstorming, and LISTENING to everything about Meredith and her unique needs, he returned with a plan in mind and the reassurance that he would actually follow through. I was cautiously hopeful. 

Lo and behold, he kept us informed with each step and let us know when and why delays occurred. We secured funding and finally, by May 2024, we got the Cadillac of standing frames. And the rest is history! I cannot say enough about Harrison and what an asset he is to [Motion]. He genuinely cares about his clients and his creativity and determination help him to help the ones who need it. 

All this to say that when you are hiring and doing all the work that is done in the background, it does not go unnoticed. 

Sincerely a very happy customer;

Julie K., Mom to Meredith”

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This material does not constitute medical advice. It is intended for informational purposes only. Please consult a physician for specific treatment recommendations.